Previous Events

TechFest Partner Event: UX Cork – Design For Good; Creating products and services that do no harm
Event: Design For Good; Creating products and services that do no harm Partner Organisation: UX Cork Virtual Event Event Date: Monday 23rd May, 5 pm Cost: Free, register here. Location: Online Contact: The products and services we create can do more harm than good to those who use them.  Find out why we must do better in the professional choices we...
TechFest Partner Event: MTU – Growing Digital – Digital Connectedness and Regional Growth
Event: Growing Digital – Digital Connectedness and Regional Growth Partner Organisation: MTU Event Date: Wednesday 25th May, 2-4pm  Cost: Free, register here. Location: Hybrid Event Contact: What to expect: Rich digital connections support interaction and collaboration between people and organisations and offer us new ways to work, live and learn. In the context of new Irish and European education and...
TechFest Partner Event: Better Workday – Caught in the Middle Management: Strategies to Support Line Managers’ Well-Being
Event: Caught in the Middle Management: Strategies to Support Line Managers’ Well-Being  Partner Organisation: Better Workday Virtual Event Event Date: Tuesday, 24th May at 2pm – 3pm Cost: Free Location: Zoom, register here Contact: What to expect: This event will be facilitated by Niamh Brady and look at strategies to support the well-being of line managers in tech organisations.
TechFest Partner Event: RDI Hub- Founders Circle – How to build a tech startup without a technical Co-Founder
Event: Founders Circle – How to build a tech startup without a technical Co-Founder Partner Organisation: RDI Hub Virtual Event Event Date: 20th May 2022, 11am-12:30pm Cost: Free Location: Zoom, register here. Contact: What to expect: Join founders to hear about the do’s and don’ts of building great products, get a step-by-step guide to finding and building with the right partner and...
TechFest Partner Event: Ludgate Hub – Cognitive Performance: Insights
Event: Cognitive Performance: Insights Partner Organisation: Ludgate Hub Virtual Event Event Date: 12.30pm on 26th May 2022 Cost: Free, register here. Location: Zoom Contact: What to expect: This event will feature a presentation by Des Golden who will talk about “Cognitive Performance, ´ Insights for a tech Entrepreneur´ identifying means to optimize their performance.
TechFest Partner Event: Cork Chamber & it@cork – Demystifying “Digital Transformation” for SME leaders
Event: Demystifying “Digital Transformation” for SME leaders Join us on Thursday 26th May at 11am for our next event in our specialist seminar series on technology for SMEs in partnership with Cork Chamber. This webinar will focus on the concept of “Digital Transformation” looking at important elements for organisations keen to start this journey or pick...
TechFest Closing Event: it@cork TechBrew – New Tech companies have it easy today – REALLY?”
it@cork TechBrew Event Topic: New Tech companies have it easy today – REALLY? Join us for TechBrew the TechFest Closing Event next Wednesday, 25th May at 6pm at the National Software Centre This event will look at how the Tech Industry has changed in the last 20 – 25 years and how advances in technology have made it easier...
TechFest Partner Event:  KerrySciTech & it@cork Talent Forum – Radically re-thinking how we attract, retain and compete for top talent
Event: Radically re-thinking how we attract, retain and compete for top talent Partner Organisations: KerrySciTech & it@cork Talent Forum Virtual Event Event Date: 26th May, 4pm – 5.30pm Cost: Free Location: Zoom, register here Contact: What to expect: This open Talent Forum presented jointly by it@cork and KerrySciTech aims to give an overview of the active collaboration on talent development that has been taking...
TechFest Partner Event: AgriTech Ireland – Innovation Discovery Workshop
Event: AgriTech: Innovation Discovery Workshop Partner Organisation: AgriTech Ireland Virtual Event Event Date: 26th May, 2pm – 3.30pm Cost: Free Location: Zoom, register here Contact: What to expect: A workshop to identify areas of opportunity for new AgriTech solutions to enable more productive and sustainable farming. Download the event brochure here: AgriTech Innovation Discovery
Diversity Matters: Vulnerability in the Workplace
Join us for our next Diversity Matters event which is at 12 noon on Thursday 5th of May. Listen and engage with expert panellists as they discuss the types of vulnerability often encountered in the workplace. Each of the panellists will share their thoughts on how to cope with vulnerability in the workplace and how...