Graduates Working in the Tech Sector

Most large companies employing graduates have formal graduate training programmes. These programmes are designed to get graduates work-ready by closing the well-known CV gap between academic achievement and real-life work-experience. For graduates, these programmes are a great way to earn and learn, to experience many different job roles, organisational cultures and operating in fast-paced team environments. They also help smooth the transition from student-life to work-life and help graduates make informed career choices based on tangible experience. For employers, they offer the opportunity to explore talent, bring outside-in thinking and new perspectives to their organisation or team and are a vital part of holistic succession planning.  Well planned and well-executed graduate programmes are a great way to attract, retain and develop top talent and create advocates for your business. While graduate programmes can last anything from 6 months to 2 years, each can have unique offerings and experiences so employers’ websites and/or recruitment brochures are the ideal way to learn more about how these programmes work and how to apply for them.

it@cork Member Company Graduate Programmes:

Graduate Visa’s

If you are coming to Ireland from outside the EU and Switzerland, and wish to stay for more than 90 days, you must apply to Immigration Service Delivery (ISD) for permission.

You will need this permission to work, study, live or join family in Ireland.  Information on this can be found here.

For those on study visas in Ireland, once you have graduated there are opportunities for you to apply to work here when you have completed your studies.

Graduate Students who currently hold a Stamp 2 can apply for a Stamp 1G which indicates they have finished their studies in Ireland and have permission to look for employment here under the Third Level Graduate Programme, subject to conditions.

Stamp 1G is granted for 12 months only, except for those who have completed a master’s degree programme, when a further 12 months can be provided subject to conditions. While on a Stamp 1G, other permissions and conditions remain the same as for Stamp 2. At the 2 year stage, they can renew their 1G visa, or have the company support them.

In summary, graduates can work full time in accordance with employment law requirements, but are not permitted to operate a business or be self-employed. If they wish to continue working after a Stamp 1G expires, they must find a job that requires an employment permit and then follow the usual application process with Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment.

More information can be found here.

Supporting Partner:

Berkley Group is a trusted international resource partner with over 20 years’ experience. Berkley provide services that enable enterprises in the business & technology, life science and engineering sectors to successfully align their resourcing with business goals.

Berkley employees are highly-networked industry-bred consultants specialising in business, technology and life science with deep industry insights. With a technology-led approach offering scale, flexibility, and efficiency. Berkley can balance long-term needs with adaptable resourcing models.